Friday, February 3, 2012


In the past, we have had many problems exposing our healthy, adoptable dogs to new dogs coming in incubating diseases such as Parvo. Once a dog is exposed to Parvo, it can remain dormant in the system for up to 14 days before a dog shows any signs of being sick. By then, it's almost too late.

We want to build a quarantine area, as a part of the shelter where incoming dogs will stay for 10-14 days (or until deemed healthy by a veterinarian.) This will prevent any of our healthy dogs from attracting diseases, fleas, etc. from any incoming dogs - and we won't have as many Parvo epidemics roaming through the shelter, making us close down for periods at a time, and losing possible adoptions.

Of course, Parvo is inevidable in places where many dogs are in close proximities for extended periods at a time. Stress lowers the immune system, making dogs more succeptible to illness while at a shelter. Puppies and older dogs are extremely at risk of getting Parvo.

To build a quarantine area, we would need to add about a 4 foot concrete extention to the back end of the shelter. We will need to enclose the area to protect the dogs from extreme weather conditions, and it will need to be completely isolated from the healthy and adoptable dogs.

This is an expensive project, and it will take a lot of time to complete. Many of the 2012 fundraisers will be benefiting this project - and we are looking for groups (fraternities, sororities, youth groups, etc.) willing to donate their time and help us make this project come to life.

If you're interested in helping us raise money for this cause, you can donate using ChipIn.
If you have a group or you, personally are interested in helping us build the quarantine area, please contact me at: or

We are hoping to get many of the needed materials donated - a list will be available shortly.

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