About Me

I am just a simple girl who loves animals and photography - who doesn't? I've figured out how to use my love of animals, and my talent of photography and put them towards something useful - volunteering. I have been photographing and volunteering with my local animal shelter since September of 2010. I live in a small town in rural Missouri, and just a 20 minute drive from my home is my local animal shelter - the Tri-County Humane Society.

TCHS is a no-kill facility, taking in over 1000 animals a year. These numbers may seem small to some, but being located in a town of 3,763 people - that's over a 3rd of the human population in the area. Being a no-kill means that any animal entering through our doors stays until a suitable home can be found. We do not euthanize for "lack of space" or because an animal is deemed "unadoptable." We do not turn away certain breeds such as pitbulls or rotweilers. Our mission is to take in any animal in need, and find it a new, loving and permanent home.

Since I've been volunteering, I have created the shelter's Facebook page that has helped to increase our adoption rates drastically. We have sought new, dedicated volunteers and found new supporters who are willing to help us create a bigger, better shelter.

I am 16 years old. If this doesn't proof that anybody can do anything, I don't know what does. Thanks for reading my blog!